You are in the right place if:

  • You wake up everyday exhausted feeling like you are at war with yourself.

  • You know that you have greatness on your life but you are tormented with the idea that you are supposed to be further along than this but something in you keeps holding you back.

  • You withdraw from making new friendships or cling unhealthily to toxic relationships.

  • You have negative feelings and thoughts about God, your life, and others.

  • You are still offended or holding unforgiveness towards parents, siblings, family members, past friendships, church leaders and/or church environments.

  • You are tormented with intrusive thoughts about what other people think, the trauma you have experienced, or the failures of your life.

  • You are disappointed in God but cannot bring yourself to admit it.

  • You constantly find yourself in deep depression and despair and have considered that you are not worthy of this life.

  • You desire more out of life but you find yourself constantly making bad decisions with finances, relationships, jobs, etc and cannot break away from specific cycles, patterns, and destructive behaviors.

  • You feel like your emotions are all over the place and you suffer under shame, disappointment, fear, loneliness, grief, jealousy, self-pity, low-self esteem, insecurity, social anxiety, embarrassment, doubt, and the like.

  • You, behaviorally, show up in relationships as a people pleaser, a perfectionist, or someone who has to save everyone or be the overachiever.

  • You constantly procrastinate with projects, not able to finish what you started and suffer with imposter syndrome or chronic comparison of yourself to others.

  • You feel stuck in various areas of your life and you want to accelerate, elevate, and become who you KNOW you are supposed to be.

  • You want to experience God on a deeper level, heal from some very painful experiences, have healthy relationships, and show up in the world feeling accepted, empowered, worthy, and FREE to BE AUTHENTICALLY YOU.

If any of these statements made something in your belly shift while reading it or your heart rate just went up, keep scrolling, Sis, because this is a divine appointment!

Are you tired of

the struggle yet?

My UNRESOLVED trauma and emotions caused me to see and hear from my triggers instead of my spirit; so I lived a defeated life!

Although, I have had the privilege of the Lord revealing Himself to me at 6 years old, my life experiences continued down a long line of psychological, emotional, sexual, and spiritual battles that led me down a very dark path of anger, suicidal thoughts, rebellion, promiscuous living, drinking, clubbing, and physical and spiritual demonic torment that desired my insanity. I was showing up in relationships as the overachiever, the perfectionist, and the people pleaser but was constantly feeling like I was not enough.

Then, as I began my pursuit to intentionally become serious about the things of God, I found myself held captive under spiritual leaders unknowingly curating an environment that suppressed who I was to become in Christ Jesus. I was loyal to them not because of God’s appointment but because I was addicted to the crack of their affirmations of me. But when it was cut off and God was leading me away from that ministry, I felt like a ship adrift at sea without an anchor. I did not know who I was because I had found my identity in the church leaders and the culture and it failed me. I kept making bad decisions that led to weights and sins, codependent relationships, and financial ruin. I was so disappointed in God because I did not understand the nature of my struggles, the patterns and cycles I was stuck in, who I was in Him and who He was suppose to be to me. But a season came where He began to activate a desire in me for inner healing and deliverance. I studied God. I experienced Him. I worshipped Him. I was on fire for Him now and I saw that every time I was in His presence, I would leave with clarity, wisdom, insight, and actionable steps about healing and deliverance, and deliverance from demons that entered my life became a common theme. What I did not know was that all the hell I was going through was for such a time as this.

Pain has a way of activating destiny; but the healing process you go through successfully weaponizes you for greatness.

In 2021, God started revealing Himself to me as the Revealer of Secrets through visions, dreams, and spiritual experiences. God was showing me His power and gave me divine insight and biblical truths that changed me from the inside out. He dealt with my identity in Him once and for all. He showed me who I was, revealed His assignment on my life for His daughters which pivoted my brand, and He graced me to walk it out and see results in the lives of those I personally mentored.

So, with the same comfort, revelation, and insight that I have been given, through obedience to God and answering the demand for inner healing mentorship, I created a space where you can encounter God and experience freedom too. My superpower is to help Christian women heal, evolve, and reign in life through the power of the Holy Spirit, to break down the gates of hell in a generation of women and lead them to freedom through REVELATION; thus, the Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle was launched.

Can I share my story?

I got all these titles…Inner Healing Life Coach, Certified Christian Counselor, Wifey, Mama, Pastor, Prophet, Intercessor, Teacher, Entrepreneur, and Mentor. I had all the hats but can I be honest? No matter how many hats I wore, mantles I have been endowed with, favor I have been given....

TRAUMA robbed me of the joy of existing in my own skin!

My life reflected the demonic operations that mimicked Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and Organized Crime; but THIS IS MY STORY.

I have struggled, wrestled, and was defeated because of the constant trafficking of unresolved trauma in my own life. I was wrecked by the psychological strongholds I held dear since my mother’s delivery of me and the series of unfortunate events that now makes up the sum total of me.

I remember being told my father wanted a son which made me feel like my birth was a disappointment. I remember being molested as a child over a period of two years by family members. I remember after my father’s death at 6 years old, a period of time where my mother became emotionally and physically unavailable unintentionally due to her own grief and left me often with my older sister in the house. What she did not know was that my sister left me in the house alone to fend for myself literally while she hit the streets. My mother’s absence and lack of connection left me vulnerable to creating my own survival kits and narratives about life, God, and relationships. I also witnessed my Mom care for my older sister through her trauma and abusive relationships, so, while my mother was putting the fires out in my sister’s life, a fire of rebellion was being kindled within me. Neither her nor I knew that I desperately yearned for her affection and that I felt alone and unwanted in this world.

I’m Quiana J and I am an Inner Healing Life Coach & a Board Certified Christian Counselor!

I enjoy studying humans, the psychology of our behaviors and patterns, understanding God’s design and makeup of our souls, and discerning when brokenness speak; but what I love most is seeing God work in the inner corridors of the heart of His Daughters and watching them take back regions of their lives that were out of control. Inner healing and deliverance is what I live for.

I love what inner healing has done to my life and I have witnessed God prophetically use me to minister to, teach, counsel, and coach women in this dimension for over 15+ years through mentorship and pastoral ministry.

It is only within the last 5 years that God has pivoted me to expand my brand to curate a safe & intimate, immersive healing incubator called The Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle and it is for the high achievers, industry professionals, ministry leaders, homesteaders, entrepreneurs, mothers, wives, young & old, everyday women.

Because it doesn’t matter where you are or what you do, if you are NOT HEALED, you are NOT YOU!

This mentorship is my signature experience for women to learn, heal, and BECOME and it yields proven results of transformation, impartation, and manifestation of healing, breakthrough, and clarity. Don’t worry, I got receipts. Check out the Client Love section.

This mentorship allows you to come into my inner circle and access a vault where you can choose which journey to go on, whether the current journey or a journey already loaded in the portal. Each journey has ample content of masterclasses, exercises, implementation work, and biblical material. It is truly a buffet where you get to choose what you want to feast on, digest, and get healing on in a specific area of your life.

This program was curated specifically for the woman who needs:

  • therapeutic support backed by biblical counsel

  • a community of women who are laser-focused on seriously levelling up in life, and

  • evidence-based strategies, tools, content, and implementation work that fosters and empowers a deeper experience with self, with God, and with others.

In Heirs + Daughters, expect to:

  • Overthrow the victim mentality and silence the voice of the Inner critic with evidence-based strategies and healthy belief systems.

  • Put away your self sabotage and survival kits and sit in the seat of your Heavenly adoption as an Heir and a Daughter.

  • Build boundaries and gain control of your emotions so you can clearly articulate your brilliance in any relationship or room you step into.

Stop coping and start conquering!

It’s YOUR time for you to break free from the shackles of traumatic events, unmanageable emotions, and behavioral evidences of cycles and patterns that has plagued your life, your decisions, your relationships, and your destiny to move forward.

It’s YOUR time to take dominion of the psychological real estate of your life, destroy the diabolical plot of the enemy against your life and your bloodline, and deploy your God-given destiny and expression with confidence!

You are an HEIR and a DAUGHTER according to Romans 8:14-17, the foundations of this program, and it’s YOUR time to know who you are, what you carry, and show up in this world UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU.





If you are looking for a therapish-type space different from your traditional counseling modalities that provides:

  • biblical coaching & mentorship using digital content, community, and accountability

  • a place that fosters deep soul work through healing journeys and topics

  • conversations, shared experiences, and experiential exercises that deepen your relationship with God, self, and others

  • prophetic insight, clarity, and direction so that you can break barriers and take back psychological real estate in your life

  • challenges, fasting periods, and bonus content that compliments your healing process, your personal development, and your spiritual formation. 

Then it is time for you to join my Inner Circle!

Heirs + Daughters™ is a monthly or yearly-based subscription where you can dive right in and get started with a healing journey of your choice or the new season’s journey.

Check out what you get with your subscription:

    • Monthly Healing Masterclasses: Every month, you will have access to attend the Healing Masterclass, a LIVE teaching and training class that introduces and navigates you through the established journey for the month with implementation work to complete. This is broadcasted every 1st Monday @ 8:00 PM EST. Replays are available in the portal.

    • Deep Dive Group Sessions: Access to attend the Deep Dive Group Session, a 2-hour immersive experience where we get to dive deeper into the healing work from the masterclass with exercises and evidence-based practices, allow God to release prophetic insight, and get any questions answered so you can get healing and deliverance in that area of your life. This session is hosted every 4th Sunday @ 6:00PM EST via Zoom. Replay links are sent to all current members via email within 24 hours.

    • Weekly Check-Ins: Twice a month, weekly check-ins are hosted to foster accountability check-points, heart shares, and goal setting to stay inspired and empowered to keep moving forward in doing the work. These check-ins are currently hosted every 2nd and 3rd Monday @ 6:00 PM EST in the Telegram App. These are not recorded.

  • You will have access to our communication channel called the Telegram App. Within this app, there is one communication space called the Main Lounge which is the main living room group space for us to gather, develop organic relationships, build community, and stay connected with all discussions, upcoming events, and more. It also has subtopics that you can click on and engage specifically with that topic. You will also have access to the PowHER Podcast Channel to listen to and immerse yourself in a guided, therapeutic soundbyte with an inspired message, prophetic declarations, breathing techniques, affirmations, and more to regulate your emotions and nervous system, foster deep reflection, and empower your everyday life on the go.

  • When you enroll in this program, you will gain access to the Heirs + Daughter™ portal that houses all the masterclass replays, evidence-based healing strategies, tools, & exercises, upcoming events, and bonus content and resources I create for this exclusive mentorship (workbooks, guides, frameworks, PDFs, etc) to foster deep soul work that gets results. It also includes challenges that I release periodically to be entered to win rewards.

  • The Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle includes personal support from me as well as the other ladies in the community. We use a non-social media app called Telegram that has multiple spaces to be able to have organic conversations, develop friendships, and engage in specific activities and events. I purposely sought after an app that was not on Facebook or any of the main social media platforms so that if you ever go on a consecration or fast, you won't have to disconnect from the community. You can message me personally and email me for personal support. Depending on the membership type you choose, you may have 1 x monthly :60 inner healing coaching sesh with me. You will also have the opportunity to win a FREE session and/or simply book an individual session whenever you want

    • Bonus Content: The Bonus Content is filled with evidence-based strategies, tools, and exercises that compliment your healing process. Some topics include establishing boundaries, developing good communication skills, breaking habits, cycles and patterns, mental health techniques, self care strategies, and more.

    • Expert-Led Workshops: Periodically, I will invite guest Kingdom women who are experts in the realms of healing, deliverance, spiritual formation, etc. that you will have exclusive access to attend via Zoom. Replays will be housed in the portal.

    • Exclusive Invite: I am currently planning the Heirs + Daughters™ Retreat & Convergence, which is a live meetup and immersive experience for all the members and prospective members of the program. Deets will be released to all members soon.

  • REGULAR ACCESS: This subscription gives you access to all the features of the program listed.

    • Regular Access: $67 a month

    • Annual Regular Access*: $607 a year (Normally $804 / a $197 savings)

    VIP ACCESS: This subscription gives you access to all the features of the program PLUS ONE x :60 private inner healing sesh with Quiana J each month to gain personal support on your healing journey.

    • VIP Access: $127 a month

    • Annual VIP Access: $1,270 a year (Normally $1,524 / a $254 savings)

    *Benefits for enrolling in the ANNUAL subscription:

    • 2 x months free each year for as long as you are a current member of Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle

    • 1 x Heirs + Daughters Healing Box as your introductory gift in the program (demo of the box coming soon), and 

    • Exclusive invite & 30% off all in-person and virtual Heirs + Daughters conferences, retreats, and events for as long as you are a current member of Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle.

Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle operates in seasons and opens its doors in cohorts. We are currently in the season called "Healing from the Hidden Wounds of Rejection". Although, we are currently closed, join the waitlist to be the first to know when the doors open in January 2025. When you enroll, the content from all past seasons will be available to you.


  • Once you enroll, you will receive immediate access to the Heirs + Daughters™ portal which will guide you through your FIRST STEPS which will help you get connected to the Telegram App where all the other ladies are hanging out, give you the Zoom information, all past content and replays, and other stuff that is needful for your journey. If you want a sneak peek behind the scenes of the Heirs + Daughters™ Portal, click here.

  • Yes. When you join Heirs + Daughters™, you will have immediate access to all the content housed in the portal including all replays, workbooks, frameworks, challenges, bonus content, etc from previous healing journeys we have done. You can access this content and the current healing journey content we are about to embark on and navigate at your own pace.

  • The Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle is not just a free-flow mentorship where anybody can join at any time. Every few months is dedicated to the introduction and implementation of a healing journey God prompts in my spirit. I purposely do not want women to join in the middle of a healing journey, so I will open and close the doors to Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle. The caveat is that I cannot guarantee when I will open it again because it is based on the work that God wants to do in that season. So, if you are on the fence about this but you KNOW that God is urging you to sign up, SIGN UP. The first step belongs to you and the rest belongs to God.

  • The Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle includes personal support from me as well as the other ladies in the community. We use a non-social media app called Telegram that has multiple spaces to be able to have organic conversations, develop friendships, and engage in specific activities and events. I purposely sought after an app that was not on Facebook or any of the main social media platforms so that if you ever go on a consecration or fast, you won't have to disconnect from the community. You can message me personally and email me for personal support. Depending on the membership type you choose, you may have 1 x FREE :60 inner healing coaching sesh with me. You will also have the opportunity to win some and/or simply book an individual session whenever you want. if you have questions throughout our time together. 

  • Because you receive immediate access to the content once you enroll, there can be no refunds for this membership. If you would like to cancel, you can do so in the Stripe payment portal. Please note that you will lose immediate access once you cancel.

  • Yes. There is an annual event for the Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle called the Heirs + Daughters™ Convergence & Retreat that I am currently planning for the members of this group. It will be an official space to meet in-person, receive prophetic impartation, healing, deliverance, empowerment, and breakthrough as well as meet each other and foster long-lasting friendships and sisterhood. This event will also be open to potential ladies to be introduced to the mentorship. Details will go out to all current members first to have first dibs before promoted to the public.

  • Yes. I  will periodically book a Kingdom woman to host a workshop exclusively within this mentorship. These are women who are experts in the realms of healing, deliverance, spiritual formation topics, etc. that are hosted on Zoom. Replays will be housed in the portal. If you know of a powerful woman who fits this profile or you are a coach or leading expert on a biblical topic surrounding healing, deliverance, or navigating life, feel free to email me with your proposal at

  • Yes. The portal houses all of the past healing journeys with the masterclasses, the implementation work, and all the documents, frameworks, diagrams, worksheets, workbooks that accompany them. Therefore, you can navigate through the current season's healing journey and another healing journey already loaded.

  • Yes. The portal houses all of the past healing journeys with the masterclasses, the implementation work, and all the documents, frameworks, diagrams, worksheets, workbooks that accompany them. Therefore, you can navigate through the current season's healing journey and another healing journey already loaded.

  • The Heirs + Daughters™ Healing Journal is an exclusive product of this mentorship. You have the option to purchase yours separately for $45 or if you subscribe as a VIP Annual Member, the journal is included in your subscription. To view images and learn more about the Heirs + Daughters™ Healing Journal, click here.

  • Sis, you won't miss out on anything because everything is recorded and will be available for you to work at your own pace. So, if you are a working professional on that good night shift or something comes up where you cannot attend the LIVE sessions, you can listen to it on the go or whenever you can. I want to make a huge point that you will only grow to the measure of your actions. This means it is easy to get into a group and not do the implementation work required because we have excuses that we lean on as a crutch. So, before you sign up, make sure you want to SHOW UP and heal, evolve, and reign in life. Your destiny awaits.

  • The bonus content module is an ever-growing library of transformational teachings that are not considered healing journeys but topics that compliments your healing process, your personal development, and your spiritual formation. All of the bonus content is available once you enroll. Currently, there are 3 pieces of bonus content available: Resistance Mentality, Fasting & Consecration, and Habits: Becoming a Better Version of You Through Small Steps. 

    An email will be sent to you with the booking link.

  • You will have access to our communication channel called the Telegram App. Within this app, there is one communication space called the Main Lounge which is the main living room group space for us to gather, develop organic relationships, build community, and stay connected with all discussions, upcoming events, and more. It also has subtopics that you can click on and engage specifically with that topic. You will also have access to the Podcast Channel to listen to and immerse yourself in a guided, therapeutic soundbyte with an inspired message, prophetic declarations, breathing techniques, affirmations, and more to regulate your emotions and nervous system, foster deep reflection, and empower your everyday life on the go.

  • If you are not in the b.HER Society or don't know about the b.HER Society, click here. This is my FREE private mentorship group on Facebook helping women heal, evolve, and reign. I set a theme each month, go LIVE to teach on that theme, and host challenges and activities like the DecreeHER Prayer Session via Zoom. I also pop up sporadically throughout the week sharing my heart and the latest Biblical Bombshells™ or revelations of the Spirit. There is so much content laid out like a buffet in that space and you can eat what you want.

    In Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle, it is similar except it is a paid group for women who want to go deeper. Maybe you have been in the b.HER Society and I covered an inner healing topic and you felt like you wanted to have a deeper immersive experience, more accountability, and more focus to be healed in that area. Topics like overcoming disappointment, navigating shame, experiencing God deeper, and resurrection from rejection just to name a few are areas I have taught on. God has given me frameworks, workbooks, etc derived from this content but it will only be beneficial for those who want to go deeper in their investment with themselves. So, in the Heirs + Daughters™ Inner Circle, I declare themes that may last for months, and these themes are called "Healing Journeys". 

  • Simply reach out to me in one of the following ways:



For individuals who are struggling and unfulfilled in life, Quiana J partners with you to help you navigate through trauma, emotional pain, limitations, and your Christian life. Unlike traditional counseling approaches, I integrate prayer, consecration, prophecy, biblical teaching and methods, and personal life experiences to help you have a deeper and intimate relationship with God that will empower you for Kingdom living.

All content found on the website and in the contents of the portal you will have access to upon enrollment including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only.  The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health or mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental condition. Never disregard professional medical or mental advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website or learned in my program.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.  Reliance on any information provided by Quiana J and said websites and portals, its employees, contracted writers, or other professionals presenting content for publication to Quiana J is solely at your own risk.

If you find any materials offensive, you may not want to use our Site. The Site and its Content, whether digital or printed, are provided on an "as is" basis.

Links to educational content not created by Quiana J are taken at your own risk.  Quiana J is not responsible for the claims of external websites and education companies.